February 10th, 2025
Australia: So Good, Even Data Wants to Stay

Daniel Ballmer

LimaCharlie's new Australian data center is now available
If you ask the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) how Australians feel about their country, their response would paint a rosy picture. For example, on average people around the world rate their satisfaction with their country at 6.7 out of 10. Australians rate their satisfaction at 7.1. The average electoral participation among nations is 69%, in Australia it’s 92%. Perhaps most telling, in Australia “93% of people believe that they know someone they could rely on in time of need”. Simply put, Australians like living in the land down under, and in many cases their personal data does too.
Australia does not have an all-encompassing data sovereignty law insisting citizens' information be processed locally, but it does have regulations governing specific use cases. For example, the Australia Privacy Act of 1988 and Privacy Amendment Act of 2012 form the backbone of Australian Privacy Principles (APP). These principles include guidance on how Australian’s personal data must be handled and processed. The Privacy Amendment Act 2017 sets forth rules for notifying Australian citizens affected by a data breach.
Additionally there are regulations within states and territories that limit the transmission of medical records outside of the region without explicit consent. There are also laws governing data residency for some financial data and items that appear on the Defence and Strategic Goods List (DGSL). This patchwork of regional and local data privacy laws can be difficult for businesses to navigate, particularly SMBs with smaller IT departments.
Fortunately, LimaCharlie has provided a way to make sure any of the data from your SecOps Cloud Platform remains compliant with Australian data sovereignty regulations. We are pleased to announce that LimaCharlie has opened a new datacenter in Australia. This makes it easy for our customers to ensure their cybersecurity data and telemetry remains in-country.
Maxime Lamothe-Brassard, CEO of LimaCharlie, shared the news stating “I'm very excited to announce officially our new Australia datacenter is now generally available. This means LimaCharlie users can now opt to have their tenants processed and stored all within Australia, making many compliance issues go away. And since this is just another option on the SecOps Cloud Platform, it means it's available on-demand, per-usage and at the same pricing as all our other datacenters.”
If you have any questions about our new Australian datacenter, or how the SecOps Cloud Platform can reduce cybersecurity costs while improving performance, contact us.