March 24th, 2022
LimaCharlie announces sponsorship of the Intel Owl open source project

Ross Haleliuk

Following our recent announcement about supporting the open source community, LimaCharlie is excited to share that we have decided to sponsor the IntelOwl project.
To quote Matteo Lodi, the IntelOwl author and creator,
"Only 2 years ago Intel Owl was born with a specific goal: help the community of security analysts and researchers to get the threat data they need fast and easy. We really felt the struggle of people working in security and decided to share this application. Since then, it has been growing more and more, supporting more than 100 analyzers! Some of which are malware analysis tools embedded in the platform, while others allow to automate the retrieval of information from external services. You can get all the data from them at once. Moreover, we understood that this time saver application would benefit from being directly connected and integrated to other widely used open source applications, like MISP: so we created connectors for them.

But we are not done! We have been working on a complete graphical rework for the upcoming v4 release and we have been planning to add awesome investigative tools to the platform.
This was the time where we met LimaCharlie and we found that we share the same ethic and vision. We are thrilled to start a long lasting collaboration together!”
The LimaCharlie team is honored to support IntelOwl and we are looking forward to planning a deeper integration in the future.
Get started with IntelOwl on GitHub or follow their work on Twitter.