March 9th, 2023
MSSN CTRL: Call for papers is now open

Charlton Swearingen

The inaugural MSSN CTRL security engineering and automation conference will take place on October 5-6, 2023 in Arlington, VA. Get involved by submitting our call for proposals or get notified when registration is open.
Over the last couple of years we’ve seen our user base grow from a core group of early adopters to now thousands of users worldwide. And with that growth comes our dedication to our community and to learn from each other. Cybersecurity is continuously evolving and security practitioners need to look to their peers for inspiration, knowledge, and ideas.
Community at work
We’re creating the conference with you, the practitioner, in mind. We plan to shape the event around the cybersecurity community with workshops and discussions to give you a voice and the opportunity to share. In order to accomplish this, we need your help.
Do you have a topic you want to discuss with your peers? Did you build something on top of LimaCharlie that you want to share? Topics are not limited to the use of LimaCharlie. We’re all ears. Submit your talk idea in our call for proposals.
All proposals are due by April 16, 2023, at 11:59 pm PST.
All speakers will receive a professionally edited recording of their session, professional photographs, comped ticket to the event, and the opportunity to speak at the first of many MSSN CTRL conferences.
We cannot wait to create this conference with you.